Affection and love do exist in Disney movies and are in fact central plot points in several of them. Just show him acting in a way a person caring for another in such a way would act when faced with some event like say the other person being in danger. Just show him acting in a romantic way toward another character of the same gender.
you can claim that characters are homosexual based on a 'becouse you say so' basis? Or is it the 'becouse the actor was gay' basis, or the 'becouse X said he was inspired by Y who is gay' basis? If you want to prove a character is gay, you don't have to film a sex scene. well you know everything that is not sex but is gender or love related. well except kissing, hugging, people caring for someone in a non sexual way that still indicates romantic love or. So what you are saying is that since the medium does not allow for anything that would, even remotely be considered as evidence of homosexuality.